This term Waikowhai Primary School had the challenge to create something to sell at our School gala day. Our classroom (waitemata) decided to make homemade organic soap for the day. We decided to make soap for the day because we thought the soap at the supermarket had chemicals and wasn't safe for our body. So we made organic soap that has no chemicals. During this process we needed to make the packaging to sell our soap in, labels to show what type of soap it is, and our own signs to go around the school to advertise what we were selling. While making the soap we were able to create different scents, colours, and shapes. The way we packaged the soap is we put some of the soap bars in a shell, rapped a ribbon over it decided to sell them like that. The ingredients we used were clear glycerine soap, pure goats milk, Shea butter and triple butter. Some of them didn't end out how we wanted so we are going to sell them as seconds. We also had to make the prices of the soap for how much they costs. The seconds are gonna cost 1$ less than the good soap. This is some of our finished products... I Hope You Enjoyed.
😎 (See you later.)
During this process of making soap I found out that it's pretty easy to make something that is homemade...
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